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Project Citation: 

Walsh, Deirdre. P-PTGI scale. Ann Arbor, MI: Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research [distributor], 2017-03-24.

Project Description

Summary:  View help for Summary This study developed a measure of physical post traumatic growth (physical post traumatic growth inventory; P-PTGI) in men with prostate cancer.
A pool of items was created from themes identified in a qualitative study. A quantitative study was then conducted to assess the psychometric properties of the P-PTGI in a sample of 693 prostate cancer survivors.
Tests of dimensionality revealed that the 20-item P-PTGI contained two factors: Health Autonomy and Health Awareness. Results demonstrated that scale score reliability for the P-PTGI and its subscales was excellent. In support of the scale’s convergent validity, scores on the P-PTGI correlated positively with mindfulness and quality of life, and correlated negatively with depression and anxiety. A statistically significant correlation between the P-PTGI and another robust indicator of post traumatic growth attests to its concurrent validity. 
While further investigation of the P-PTGI’s psychometric properties is required, preliminary findings are promising. 
Funding Sources:  View help for Funding Sources National University of Ireland, Galway (n/a)

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