Name File Type Size Last Modified
f11dashboards_pud application/x-spss-sav 35.8 KB 08/10/2016 10:25:AM
f11dashboards_pud.csv text/csv 43.3 KB 05/01/2017 05:16:AM
f11dashboards_pud.dta application/x-stata 44.2 KB 08/10/2016 06:24:AM
f11dashboards_pud_codebook.pdf application/pdf 378.3 KB 05/01/2017 05:15:AM

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Summary:  View help for Summary The Michigan Public Policy Survey Public Use Datasets: Dashboards and Economic Vitality Incentive Program Data, Fall 2011 contains a subset of the data collected in the Fall 2011 dataset. Performance dashboards were covered in questions 28-37 of the Fall 2011 MPPS survey. The Economic Vitality Incentive Program (EVIP) was covered in questions 38-47 of the Fall 2011 MPPS survey. In order to protect respondent confidentiality, this public use dataset may include only a subset of those questio

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Subject Terms:  View help for Subject Terms revenue sharing; government performance

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