Name File Type Size Last Modified
Competition experiment.ztt application/octet-stream 106.4 KB 05/18/2023 05:06:AM
Data text/plain 9.3 KB 05/17/2023 09:41:AM
Readme.txt text/plain 1.6 KB 05/17/2023 09:43:AM
Session1.xls text/plain 82 KB 05/17/2023 09:50:AM
Session2.xls text/plain 70.1 KB 11/05/2018 02:28:AM
Session3.xls text/plain 81.1 KB 11/06/2018 07:03:PM
Session4.xls text/plain 61.1 KB 11/06/2018 07:03:PM
Session5.xls text/plain 49.3 KB 07/01/2019 02:16:PM text/plain 7.4 KB 05/18/2023 05:10:AM
competitionvalidation.dta application/x-stata-dta 28.2 KB 11/04/2018 07:51:PM

Project Citation: 

Fallucchi, Francesco, Nosenzo, Daniele, and Reuben, Ernesto. Replication materials for: Measuring preferences for competition with experimentally-validated survey questions. Ann Arbor, MI: Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research [distributor], 2023-05-18.

Project Description

Summary:  View help for Summary We validate experimentally a new survey item to measure the preference for competition. The item, which measures participants’ agreement with the statement “Competition brings the best out of me”, predicts individuals’ willingness to compete in the laboratory after controlling for their ability, beliefs, and risk attitude (Niederle and Vesterlund, 2007). We further validate the explanatory power of our survey item outside of the laboratory, by comparing responses across two samples with predicted differences in their preference for competition: professional athletes and non-athletes. As predicted, we find that athletes score higher on the item than non-athletes.

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