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  Replication Package_Oct2022 11/08/2022 04:00:PM

Project Citation: 

Bombardini, Matilde, Li, Bingjing, and Trebbi, Francesco. Data and Code for “Did U.S. Politicians Expect the China Shock?”". Nashville, TN: American Economic Association [publisher], 2022. Ann Arbor, MI: Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research [distributor], 2022-12-07.

Project Description

Summary:  View help for Summary
Information sets, expectations, and preferences of politicians are fundamental, but unobserved determinants of their policy choices. Employing repeated votes in the U.S. House of Representatives on China's Normal Trade Relations status during the two decades straddling China's WTO accession, we apply a moment inequality approach designed to deliver consistent estimates under weak informational assumptions on the information sets of members of Congress. This methodology offers a robust way to test hypotheses about what information politicians have at the time of their decision and to estimate the weight that constituents, ideology, and other factors have in policy making and voting.
Funding Sources:  View help for Funding Sources Canadian Institute for Advanced Research; Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (Canada)

Scope of Project

Subject Terms:  View help for Subject Terms China Schock; Congressional Voting; Moment Inequality; Trade Policy
JEL Classification:  View help for JEL Classification
      D72 Political Processes: Rent-seeking, Lobbying, Elections, Legislatures, and Voting Behavior
      F13 Trade Policy; International Trade Organizations
Geographic Coverage:  View help for Geographic Coverage United States
Time Period(s):  View help for Time Period(s) 1990 – 2001


Unit(s) of Observation:  View help for Unit(s) of Observation Member of Congress

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