Name File Type Size Last Modified
Candidates-CCS-HelpMeVote-Populism.sav application/x-spss-sav 234.8 KB 10/12/2017 08:59:AM
Hellenic-Candidate-Study-2015-English-Questionnaire.pdf application/pdf 398.7 KB 11/23/2017 04:12:AM
Hellenic-Candidate-Study-2015-Greek-Questionnaire.pdf application/pdf 407 KB 11/23/2017 03:58:AM
Hellenic-Candidate-Study-2015.sav application/x-spss-sav 228.3 KB 11/23/2017 03:56:AM
HelpMeVote items in the Greek Candidate Survey 2015 application/pdf 12.4 KB 10/17/2015 03:42:PM
The Greek Candidate Study 2015 application/pdf 19.9 KB 03/01/2016 05:16:AM

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Folder Description

Summary:  View help for Summary The 2015 Hellenic (Greek) Candidate Study was conducted from mid-February to end of July 2015, after the parliamentary election of Junuary 2015, as a web survey. The questionnaire has two parts: i) the CCS core questionnaire and ii) helpmevote and populism items. The population of interest is the group of all candidates running with the five following parties: SYRIZA, ND, RIVER, PASOK, ANEL. The other two parties with elected MPs after the January 2015 election – the Communist Party of Greece (KKE) and Golden Dawn (GD) – have always and consistently refused to participate in the Greek Candidate survey. The 2015 Greek Candidate Study dataset includes 520 completed questionnaires and the response rate is between 35.2% and 37.6% (depending on how the cases of unknown eligibility are used in the formula).

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Subject Terms:  View help for Subject Terms candidate; parliamentary elections; surveys
Geographic Coverage:  View help for Geographic Coverage Greece

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