Name File Type Size Last Modified
GermanyHoursIncome.R text/x-r-syntax 4.1 KB 08/14/2020 01:05:PM text/x-stata-syntax 2.5 KB 08/14/2020 01:04:PM
GermanyHoursIncome.dta application/x-stata 107.1 KB 08/12/2020 05:04:AM
GermanyHoursIncomeAssignment.docx application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document 22.9 KB 08/14/2020 11:34:AM
GermanyHoursIncome_codebook.xlsx application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet 11.8 KB 08/13/2020 01:54:PM
Valentino-DeVriesLuDance2020LocationDataSaysItAll.pdf application/pdf 106.9 KB 08/13/2020 12:47:PM

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