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Project Citation: 

Hoehn-Velasco, Lauren , and Silverio-Murillo, Adan. Do Spouses Negotiate in the Shadow of the Law? Evidence from Unilateral Divorce, Suicides, and Homicides in Mexico. Ann Arbor, MI: Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research [distributor], 2019-12-04.

Project Description

Summary:  View help for Summary In this paper, we analyze whether state-level no-fault divorce reforms in Mexico led to declines in the homicide and suicide rates. Using an event-study design, we find that the unilateral reform had no impact on state-level suicide rates or homicide rates. This finding contrasts with results from high-income countries (Stevenson and Wolfers, 2006; Brassiolo, 2016). To reconcile the differences from the existing literature, we show that intimate partner violence did not decline following the reform, which corroborates related studies (Silverio-Murillo, 2019; Garcıa-Ramos, 2019). The combined results suggest that in Mexico, women are less able to escape abusive marriages through a divorce.

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